Name: Mitsukuni Haninozuka OR Honey
Anime Show: Ouran Highschool Host Club
Birthday: Febuary 29
Age: 18
School: Ouran Academy
Clubs: Ouran Host Club
Favorite Food: Cake, Strawberries, candy and unexpected cravings for spicy things... Dislikes Carrots
Host Type: Loli-Shota
Mid-Term Exam Ranking: 3rd Year, 1st Place
Occupation: Third-Year High School Student
Honey is the "loli-shota"- an older boy who likes cute things. When his role is threatened he tries his best to be even cuter. As such, he is usually happy-go-lucky and smiling. He's optimistic and likes to eat anything sweet. His childish appearance makes him look like he should still be in an Elementary School, however he is the second of the oldest hosts.
He appears to be dimwitted, but actually is very smart, and is able to see that Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru had feelings for Haruhi. Even though he is usually happy, he can be angered somewhat easily, and can be very intimidating to the other hosts. This often results in the Hosts having strange rumors about him, such as Honey fighting off two platoons of US Green Berets, when the idea itself was impossible.
Honey is quite short for his age with a very childish face (This is explained by his birthday being on leap year, February 29th, so it only comes once every 4 years making him "4" years old).
He has short blonde hair, pale skin and is usually seen with the standard school uniform. He is also seen mainly with his stuffed rabbit Usa-chan (BunBun).
He is rarely seen without Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka, his cousin. He is almost always on Mori's shoulder's.
Honey Notices Haruhi Is A Girl |
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